Suzanne McRee
Academic Credentials: Attended Bradford County Schools to include
Brooker Elementary, Bradford Middle and Bradford High, graduating in
June of 1987. Attended Santa Fe Community College.
Personal: Born and raised in Bradford County Florida. Retired from
state government, Florida Department of Corrections. Served in a
variety of capacities, retiring as Warden in 2018 from Baker
Correctional Institution, a facility dedicated to the successful re-entry of
incarcerated persons back into society. Currently works part time for
the City of Brooker and with her husband in his cabinet shop.
Profile: Suzanne is a proud mother of 2 and grandmother of 3. She
enjoys time with her family and is committed to ensuring that her
grandchildren are offered the same level of community involvement
and quality of education that has been historically associated with
Vice Chairperson/Treasurer
Kenneth Randall Starling
Academic Credentials: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration,
Palm Beach Atlantic University, West Palm Beach, Florida
Master of Arts in Educational Leadership, University of North Florida,
Jacksonville, Florida
Personal: Randy is a lifelong resident of Brooker and is a Brooker
Elementary alumni.
Profile: Randy has worked in the education field for 36 years. Twenty
of those years have been in educational administration. He is currently
in his 12th year as principal of NCF Charter School in Gainesville, Florida.
​H. Jerome Kelley
Academic Credentials: BSCE from University of Florida, Gainesville,
Personal: Member of Bradford County School Board 1998-2002. PTO
President at Brooker Elementary School. SAC Chairman at Brooker
Elementary School. Director on the Bradford County Education
Foundation. Director on the Bradford County Chamber of Commerce.
Profile: Professional Engineer – Bradford County Engineer for 35 years.
Business Owner of Kelley Engineering, Inc. 1985 – 2005. Civil Engineer
Consultant for School Districts of Alachua County, Putnam County and
Bradford County. Veteran of the United States Navy.
Dalton Diggs
Academic Credentials: Attended Bradford County Schools to include
Lawtey Elementary and Bradford High School, graduating in 1995.
Attended Saint Leo College attaining numerous certifications with
trainings and courses from many agencies and Federal Services such as
Homeland Security and the US Marshall Service.
Personal: Dalton was raised by parents John and Emma Diggs in
Bradford County. Diggs currently works for the Bradford County
Sheriff’s Office serving as Captain of the Jail while supervising
Courthouse Security, Work Crews, Animal Control and the Sexual
Predator Unit. He has also served the last seven years as a SWAT
Team member.
Profile: Dalton loves his family alongside his wife Tracy of 17 years
who served 25 years in the Department of Corrections. He is a proud
father to Dr. Mariah Cheevers and Devin Diggs, and proud grandfather
of Addy and Nash. If he’s not chasing his son around the globe playing
baseball, he’s running behind his grandkids every step of the way.
William Harrell
Academic Credentials: Attended Brooker Elementary School and
Bradford County High School. Graduated from University of Florida
with a Bachelor of Science in Education. Retired from the Alachua
County school system with 33 years of experience as a chemistry
teacher at Buchholz High School.
Personal: Born and raised in Brooker Florida. Served six years in the
Florida National Guard. Serving as Treasurer of Brooker Baptist
Church. Have two children, Sherri and Chris.
Profile: I spend most of my time working on our family farm, helping
with grandkids and working with the charter school.
Gail Cook
Academic Credentials: Bachelor in Elementary Education from
University of Florida. Master’s in Early Childhood at University of
Florida. Certified Supervision Administration and Certified Reading
Personal: Married, one daughter. Retired and living in Gainesville.
Active member of the Gainesville Garden Club and Bromeliad Society.
Profile: Taught Kindergarten at Brooker Elementary School for 36
years. Reading Coach at Brooker and Hampton Elementary for 6 years.
Former Bradford County Teacher of the Year. Loves Gator football,
basketball and baseball.
George Green
Academic Credentials: Attended grade school in Union County.
Graduated from Union County High School in 1993. Attained my Law
Enforcement Training at Lake City Community College in 2004.
Personal: Born and raised in Lake Butler, Florida (Union County).
Started working with the Department of Corrections in 1995 at
Reception and Medical Center. Worked in many different capacities
during 23 year career with the final 10 years being in the Inspector
General’s Office. Final 2 years before retirement were with Alachua
County Sheriff’s Office. Currently employed by CareerSource Florida
Crown as the Response Coordinator for Region 7. Also served as a
School Board Member in Union County for one term (2006-2010).
Profile: George has been married to his beautiful wife Natasha for 23
years. He is the father of 3 children and grandfather to 1 amazing
granddaughter. George enjoys spending time with family and serving
as a deacon at his local church, Victory Christian Center.